Turn Your Wash Into A Win! Make Your Laundry Room Work For You

It’s a wash!

Well, really, it should be a win.

Often, the laundry room becomes the palace of piles. Yes—I said that—palace of piles! I marvel at how many piles can actually accumulate in such a short amount of time and a small amount of space.

For many of us, the laundry room also serves as what some might call a mudroom. So, in addition to the actual laundry (and all that comes along with this lovely chore), we have a grand central station for backpacks, jackets, and shoes. And if your house is anything like mine, it’s also the local feed store for our furry friends and seemingly the most acceptable place for the cat box. Depending upon how you live, there are also random cleansers, touch up paint cans, and other odds and ends to consider. Wow. And now we want it to be pretty?

It’s a little known fact that when we enjoy our surroundings, we are happier and healthier. And given all that happens in this household hub, taking a moment to create an inviting space allows the room to be more enjoyable. Here are a few things to consider if you want your dream laundry room to become a reality.

laundry room interior decorator in Riverstone txSORT IT — The laundry and the room!

Unfortunately, any great design goes by the wayside in the presence of clutter and disarray. Step back and consider all the ways in which you use the room. Can anything be thoughtfully relocated? How many pairs of shoes can be stored away seasonally? Is there unused attic space for longer-term storage? Can you dispose of—or donate—any unused items that are unnecessarily taking up space? When you go through this list, you can clear out space and optimize the room’s functionality.

STORE IT — All of it.

If ever there was a place to maximize storage, the laundry room is it. Okay, maybe the pantry, but we’ll save that for another day. In this case, I’m talking about utilizing your ceiling height and door closing storage whenever possible. Sure, the occasional cubby for regularly accessed items and an appropriate rack for line-dry items makes sense—but, as a general rule, you should concentrate on maximizing your storage options. If you have the luxury of a truly oversized space, there may be room for some more decorative open shelves and such. But let’s be honest, most of us need this space to work like a horse for us. Many experts, including Dec Den, can help you space plan. After all, the foundation of great design in a laundry room space is ensuring that everything has a thoughtful home.

SPRUCE IT — Now we can make it pretty!

Once you have a functional, organized space, we can talk aesthetics. Not that we don’t consider this in the storage plan, but it certainly isn’t the primary focus. In the continued interest of maximizing function, you should focus on introducing design elements through material finishes and surfaces. Think an unexpected wall covering, a vibrant cabinet color, or an interesting countertop choice. Past that, we look for decorative opportunities that serve a purpose like a fun basket for laundry supplies or a unique storage bin for pet food. You get the idea.

There you have it! You can now turn a wash into a win. If you’re still unsure of how to design your laundry room, take a look at some of our favorite laundry room designs and contact us to set up a complimentary initial consultation.

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